Multi resolutione cubic?

  • yo people,

    i was wondering, and maybe i'm wrong...but

    when i put my pic in the multires. droplet i get the feeling that i get an spherical pano out of it.. *confused*

    What can i do to make it cubical *confused*

    Maybe first sphere to cubic droplet and then all the cubesites inthe multires.. *confused* *confused*


    Tuur *thumbsup*

  • hi, tuur!

    yes, you first drop your equi-picture to sphere-to-cube and get cubic files. then you can retouche the bottom one. after that you can drop all 6 cubics at once to the multires droplet - ready... *wink*

  • I always retouche in photoshop before i go to KRPano droplets... make an JPG or TIFF from the stich and then i don't need to retouch later...


  • I think i do something wrong all the time...

    I have this sharpness thing and i think it's part of my procedure...

    PTGUI fullsize...16 bit tif... photoshop tif 5500x2750... make jpg 12...

    I make jpg 12 aprox 5mb... put it on the sphere to cube droplet... the the cube side's i put to multires.. to get them load smooth..

    but the tiles are together 1.9 mb... what i sgoing wrong???

    I see you alll make nice sharp pano's and i feel that mine are not that sharp..

    Will you people help me on this???

    Thanx a lot..

    Tuur *thumbsup*

  • by default the kmakemultires tool uses 4:2:0 color subsampling and a quality of 85/100 for the jpeg tiles,

    use 4:2:2 (422) or 4:4:4 (444) color subsampling and a higher quality for better quality,
    but also larger files and slower downloading!

    best regards,

  • Hi Tuur,

    PTGUI fullsize...16 bit tif... photoshop tif 5500x2750... make jpg 12...


    I make jpg 12 aprox 5mb... put it on the sphere to cube droplet... the the cube side's i put to multires.. to get them load smooth..

    Perhaps it will be better to not convert to JPG on photoshop but to output a 8 bit tif file (better than jpg output) !!!
    Then drop this 8 bit tif file to sphere to cube droplet ... you get the 6 cube face in tif !!!
    Finaly, drop the 6 cube face in tif to multires....

    This is in theory... I am not a mac user. *unsure*

    I have made a try in windows using the SPHERE to CUBE MULTIRES droplet... and it work perfectly !!! But it seems that this droplet do not exist on mac !!! *huh*

    Then I have made another try with SPHERE to CUBE droplet and then MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet (this tools are both in mac and windows version and it seem that it is the way tuur do...). But when I drop the 6 cube face in tif into MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet I get the following error:

    INPUTERROR: not all cube sides found:
     - left = cube_8bits_l.tif  (ok)
     - front = ERROR - not found
     - right = ERROR - not found
     - down = ERROR - not found

    I noticed that the first cube I give to the droplet, it is OK but the following cubes are not found !!! *unsure* (ex: I drop the front cube as the first one in the dropped cube list, then only front cube is ok but the other cubes are not found)

    Somebody knows what append?


    Edited once, last by michel (June 23, 2009 at 9:52 AM).

  • Hi,

    Perhaps it will be better to not convert to JPG on photoshop but to output a 8 bit tif file (better than jpg output) !!!
    Then drop this 8 bit tif file to sphere to cube droplet ... you get the 6 cube face in tif !!!
    Finaly, drop the 6 cube face in tif to multires....

    This is in theory... I am not a mac user. *unsure*

    yes, I also recommend using a TIFF as input, JPEG compression should always be the latest step,
    on Mac always TIFF output images are created by the "SPHERE to CUBE" droplet,
    this was done by adding just "_cube.tif" to the input file
    not the best solution, because you will get filenames like "pano.jpg_cube_l.tif",
    (this was done because of my lack of Applescript knowledge)

    I have made a try in windows using the SPHERE to CUBE MULTIRES droplet... and it work perfectly !!! But it seems that this droplet do not exist on mac !!! *huh*

    this was also because of my lack of Applescript knowledge,
    in Windows such was very easy to do with batch files,
    but on Mac with Applescript... the syntax and documentation of it was horribly for me
    but anyway - I will still work on this, and dedicated (gui) tools are also in work as replacement for the droplets,

    Then I have made another try with SPHERE to CUBE droplet and then MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet (this tools are both in mac and windows version and it seem that it is the way tuur do...). But when I drop the 6 cube face in tif into MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet I get the following error:

    do you use the latest version? (1.0.8 beta8)
    there was an error with the cube side detection in the older versions,
    but now it should work...

    best regards,

  • Hi Klaus,

    Yes, I have used the latest version? (1.0.8 beta8) .... I have downloaded it yesterday to be sure it was the last version.
    Today I have made another try with another tiff pano... But the result is the same as explained above!!!

    Best regards,

  • Try using a simple name for each of the 6 tiles such as cube_l.tif, cube_f.tif, .......

    I believe I ran into this error before and changing the filenames to something simple made the difference.


  • Hi Jarredja,

    I have tried to rename the cube files like you suggest Cube_l.tif,...ect
    But the same problem appears... *confused* not all cube sides found!!! Only the first one is OK !!!

    " Mistère " *huh*

    Note: SPHERE to CUBE MULTIRES droplet works fine !!!


  • Hi,

    the problem was that the "MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet" just passes the first parameter/file,

    the original MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet.bat:

    to pass all files at once just change the %1 to %*

    modded MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet.bat:

    then the "MAKE MULTIRES PANO droplet" works also with cubical images
    but it should be also possible to drop the images direct to the "kmakemultires" tool,
    that should work too,

    (thanks to Jarredja, he found that too )

    best regards,

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