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Snow / Rain Plugin snow.swf Version 1.0.8

  • A weather effect plugin that adds snow or rain to the pano.
  • The snow flakes can be made out of pixels (default) or individual images.
  • Use the plugin blendmode setting for additional compositing effects.
  • Performance tip: the rendering of the snow effect can slow down the rendering framerate. So a way to make the rendering faster again and increase the framerate would be to disable the krpano Flash10 renderer, see here: display.flash10.


Usage example with all attributes and their default values:
<plugin name="snow"

Plugin Attributes

All attributes of the snow plugin can also be set or changed dynamically.
  • type
    • Type of weather effect.
      Possible settings:
      • snow   (default)
        The snow flakes will be made out of small pixels. The color of the pixels can adjusted by the color settings.
      • rain
        Instead of snow flakes there are falling down lines to simulate raining. The style of the rain lines can be adjusted by the color, rainwidth and rainalpha settings.
      • image
        The snow flakes will be made out of images. The image must be set by imageurl setting. And the scaling of the image can adjusted the imagescale setting.
  • imageurl  (needed for type="image")
    • Set the url / path for the snow flake image.
  • imagescale  (optionally)
    • The scaling of the imageurl flake images, default=1.0.
  • flakes  (optionally)
    • The number of the snow flakes or rain drops, default=4000.
  • color  (optionally)
    • The color of the snow flakes or rain drops, defaul=0xFFFFFF.
  • floor  (optionally)
    • The floor setting defines a virtual floor where the snow flakes are hitting the floor and stop falling. Possible settings are in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. The setting 0.0 would define the floor to be the middle of the pano/screen. The default setting is 0.3.
  • speed  (optionally)
    • The falling speed of the snow flakes, default=1.0.
  • spreading  (optionally)
    • The spreading setting defines the range / depth of the snow field in the virtual 3D world, default=4.0.
  • shake  (optionally)
    • The random shaking range of the snow flakes, default=4.0.
  • speedvariance  (optionally)
    • How much can the falling speed vary randomly, default=2.0.
  • wind  (optionally)
    • The wind strength that changes the falling directing of the snow flakes, default=0.0.
  • winddir  (optionally)
    • The direction of the wind in degrees, 0-360, default=0.
  • rainwidth  (optionally)
    • The line-width of the rain drop lines, default=0.5.
  • rainalpha  (optionally)
    • The alpha of the rain drop lines, default=0.5.


krpano XMAS-Wishes (Pano made by Bernd Dohrmann)

Snow Plugin Demo (Example included in the krpano viewer download package)

BON NADAL (Made by Michel Le Marec)