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WebVR Plugin webvr.js Version 1.22

  • krpano WebVR / WebXR / MobileVR support:
    • WebVR support means using the browsers WebVR API or WebXR API when available. Here the browser and system will do the head- and position-tracking and the lens-distortion. That's the best-quality and best-performance case but requires a system and a browser with WebVR/WebXR support.
    • WebXR Notes: The usage of the WebXR API can be controlled by the webxr embedding setting. Currently the WebVR API is used preferably because it's more mature, better supported and offers more features and stability.
    • MobileVR support means 'manual' VR support for mobile devices. That will be used as fallback when the browser doesn't support the WebVR or the WebXR API. Here the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors of the mobile device will be used for the head-tracking and the lens-distortion will be done manually. For getting the correct VR-view it can be necessary to adjust the settings manually for a specific headset or device.
  • Experience any panoramic image or video (normal and stereoscopic) in 3D Virtual Reality mode directly inside the browser. When using depthmap-panos additionally also with positional-tracking.

krpano API Integration

  • After loading, the plugin object will be also available as global webvr variable.

Plugin Attributes

Attribute name Type Default value
  • Enable VR Positional-Tracking.
  • Requires a VR headset with positional-tracking support, otherwise it has no effect.
  • The current position will be added to the view.tx/ty/tz settings.
  • When positional-tracking is available the onhavepostracking event will be called.
  • Available settings:
    • auto - Automatically enable positional-tracking when using depthmap-panos.
    • true - Always enable positional-tracking (when available by the VR hardware).
      But note - normal panoramic images would get distorted when not viewed from their normal image-center!
    • false - Always disable positional-tracking.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Use an absolute / real-world-oriented direction tracking.
  • MobileVR only! Currently this is only possible on mobile devices!
    Real VR headsets using the WebVR or WebXR APIs (e.g. like Oculus Quest headsets), currently don't provide any APIs or possibilities for a real-world orientation tracking or even getting the real-world orientation somehow.
  • By default the pano-image-center (hlookat=0.0) will point to North, but it is also possible to set a custom north position/offset.
  • When disabled (the default), the gyroscope tracking will be relative to the current viewing direction.
  • The device must have a magnetic sensor for this to work reliably. iOS devices are typically working very well, on Android it varies and depends on the device.
  • Note - when using absolute tracking, all panos should be set/aligned to the same North. Otherwise the north setting would need to be adjusted dynamically for each pano.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Define where North is located in the pano-image (from -180 to +180).
  • The default is 0.0, which refers to the center of the pano-image.
  • Note - this is only relevant when using using absolute direction tracking.
  • The coordinate system:
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • A custom offset to the horizontal looking position (view.hlookat) in degrees.
  • Can be used to rotate the view independently and additionally to the users viewing.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • An oversampling scale-factor for the rendering resolution.
  • Higher values will increase the image-quality, but require more GPU processing power.
  • Lower values will lower the image-quality and require fewer GPU processing power.
  • WebXR API Notes: The WebXR API doesn't allow values higher than 1.0 and the setting can't be changed later, so only the initial value matters.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • When enabled apply an automatic additional oversampling factor depending on the actual VR headset.
  • This is done because the default resolution provided by the device is lower then the resolution that the device would be capable of for performance reasons.
  • The added oversampling factor improves image-quality at cost of a little performance.
  • When higher and more stable framerates are more important than image-quality consider disabling that setting or using a lower oversampling setting.
  • Supported headsets:
    • For Oculus Go and Oculus Quest a factor of ~1.4 will be automatically added.
  • Custom oversampling settings will be respected and a too high oversampling factor automatically avoided.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Apply a custom zoom-scale to the VR view.
  • Should be used very carefully and only for special cases!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • A value between 0.0 and 0.999
  • Add a fricition to reduce the gyro responsive speed.
  • Should be used only for high zoom values to reduce shaking, but never for normal viewing!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • By setting headtracking to false, it would be possible to disable the headset-movement-tracking and control the viewing direction by yourself by changing the view settings.
  • Warning - disabling this settings is NOT recommended!
  • Changing the viewing direction in VR different to the users head movement is a bad experience. And on systems with 're-projection' (HTC Vice, Oculus Rift) this can cause graphical errors, because these systems doesn't assume that the view will change different to the head-movement.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Switch also automatically to fullscreen mode when using WebVR.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Lock the mouse-control when in VR mode (no visible mouse-cursor) and control the viewing direction directly by mouse movements.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Oculus Browser on Oculus Go renders at 60Hz by default while Oculus Quest does it at 72Hz by default. A 72Hz rendering mode is available for Go as well, that increases comfort but with a performance and energy trade-off.
  • Setting to true enables 72Hz mode.
  • Setting to false explicitly disables 72Hz mode on both Go and Quest.
  • When not set, the systems default will be used.
  • Supported by the WebVR API and the WebXR API.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Fixed Foveated Rendering is a method for improving rendering performance. When enabled the screen edges are rendered at a lower resolution than the center, resulting in fewer total pixels that need to be calculated.
  • The webvr_foveationlevel setting specifies the level of fixed foveation. The value is in range 0 to 3, where 0 - none, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high. The default value is 1.
  • Supported by the WebVR API and the WebXR API.
  • More information.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Set to true to explicitly request a CA-Lens-Correction.
  • This can correct the color-separation on the edges that is caused by the lens, but also can cost additional GPU processing power.
  • When not set, the systems default will be used.
  • Only supported by the WebXR API.
  • More information.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Enable or disable the MobileVR support.
  • This is a fallback solution when there is no WebVR API support available in the browser.
  • It allows using VR on any mobile devices that have gyroscope and accelerometer sensors.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Provide the MobileVR support also on Desktop devices.
  • By default the support is limited to mobile and tablet devices.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Enable a 'fake' MobileVR support for tablet and non-VR desktop devices.
  • On these devices using VR wouldn't be possible normally, but with this setting enabled krpano will provide a fake solution / kind of simulation to give the user still an impression of the VR mode.
  • For checking if the fake mode is enabled there is the isfake attribute.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Enable touch support for rotating / adjusting the horizontal offset.
  • This setting is disabled by default because some VR headsets are touching the screen with their case and can sometimes trigger wrong inputs.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • The VR-headset profile parameters for MobileVR mode.
  • The Cardboard lens distortion model is used.
  • Parameters:
    • fov - Field of view in degrees.
    • lensdistance - Inter-lens distance in millimeters.
    • screendistance - Screen to lens distance in millimeters.
    • traydistance - The distance from the headset tray bottom to the lens-center in millimeters. When set to 0 the center of the device will be used.
    • k1 and k2 - Lens distortion coefficents.
  • The default value (for Cardboard V1 headsets):
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Set a custom diagonal device screen size in inch.
  • Knowing the physical screen size is necessary and very important to be able calculate the correct VR field-of-view and lens-distortion.
  • When set to auto (the default):
    • In this case the plugin tries to detect the device itself to get its screensize.
    • The plugin uses therefore an internal list of devices. Additionally a customizable list of devices can be defined in the xml.
    • When the device is unknown an external database can be used (see mobilevr_database_url) for finding the size of the device.
    • When detecting the size isn't possible, the plugin sends the onunknowndevice event.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Set which databases should be used for finding the physical screensize for a device.
  • The setting can be a combination of these values:
  • Syntax of the mobilevr_device_database xml database:
    <device name="Samsung S8" ua="sm-g950" size="5.8" />
    <device name="Samsung S8+" ua="sm-g955" size="6.2" />
    <device name="iPhone X" screen="414x812x3" size="5.85|5.33" />
    • A mobilevr_database_url element be xml defined anywhere in the xml files.
    • Multiple declarations will be automatically merged.
    • A device element can have the following settings to define a device:
      • name - the name of the device, need to be unique.
      • size - the physical screensize diagonal in inch (the detection result).
        For iOS devices two sizes can be defined. The first value is the size when using the full screen size, the second one when only using the safearea.
      • bevel - the physical bevel around the screen in millimeter (4 by default).
      • ua - a string that should be part of the user-agent string to detect the device, case-insensitive (used for detecting Android devices).
      • screen - the screen size (in portrait mode) in logical CSS pixels and optionally also the pixel-ratio (used for detecting iOS devices).
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Use a Cardboard Device Parameter Database (DPDB) as fallback for getting the screen-size for unknown devices.
  • By default this online database will be used:
  • When the database url setting will be set to an empty string value or to null, then no online database request will be made for unknown devices.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Wakelock - try to keep the mobile device awaken and prevent that the display switches to sleep / standby mode. This is necessary because during the VR viewing typically no user touches on the display (which would prevent sleeping) are happening.
  • The Browsers Screen Wake Lock API is used when available (on Android Chrome and on iOS since version iOS 16.4).
  • Without Wake Lock API support, a workaround by playing and looping a small hidden video is used. But this can interfere with other videos. That means when playing videos, the wakelock might get interrupted.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Define which browser event should be used for the device movement tracking:
    • 0 = the deviceorientation event
      • Here the sensor fusion will be done by the browser itself.
      • The data from this event is unfortunately buggy or just bad (slow, inaccurate, wrong) in many Android devices and Android browsers.
    • 1 = the devicemotion event (default)
      • Here the sensor fusion will be done by krpano.
      • The browser provides the raw data from the acceleration and the gyroscope sensors and krpano combines them for getting the final device rotation:
        • The gyroscope data is very quick and accurate but the gyroscope sensor measures only relative rotations and therefore it drifts away from the real physical orientation over time.
        • To compensate that drift, the acceleration sensor is used. That sensor measures the gravity acceleration of the earth and that can be used as absolute reference.
        • But the acceleration data is very noisy and it can be only used for detection 'tilt' rotations (tilt left, right, up or down) - rotations around the device itself can't detected by acceleration, for this the gyroscope data is required.
        • So the data from both sensors will be combined / fused. The acceleration data will be low-pass filtered and used as slow 'stabilization' and the gyroscope data for quick and accurate movements in all directions.
  • Using the devicemotion event (setting mobilevr_sensor=1) is the default and there should be normally no need or benefit to use the deviceorientation event, except maybe for some extreme browser bugs...
  • Note - In iOS 13.4 / Safari 13.1 the devicemotion event is broken. Therefore on these systems the default value of mobilevr_sensor is set to 0 to use the deviceorientation event (which is working) instead.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • The frame-rendering and the 'sensor-data-events' are happening in different time intervals / rates (depending on the system and browser), so it is necessary to evaluate and interpolate/extrapolate the sensor data somehow to get a smooth and also fast and responsive movement.
  • With this setting, different modes for this process can be selected.
  • Available modes:
    • 0 = Directly use the latest available sensor data. No interpolation or extrapolation. Depending on the sensor-time-intervals of the browser the movement can be either jerky or smooth.
    • 1 = Smoothly interpolate between the latest available sensor data. This will give a very smooth but delayed movement.
    • 2 = Forecast the device rotations and then interpolate between the sensor data.
    • 3 = Extrapolate the latest available sensor data to the current frame time. This will give a fast responsive and smooth movement, but there can be a jerking when the extrapolated/predicted data and the real movement don't match.
    • 4 = Forecast the device rotation to the current frame time. This will give a fast responsive and smooth movement, but there can be a jerking when the extrapolated/predicted data and the real movement don't match.
    • 5 = Forecast the device rotation and extrapolate the sensor data from the latest event to the current frame time.
    • 6 = Forecast the device rotation one frame ahead.
    • 7 = Forecast the device rotation two frames ahead.
  • Note - these settings would need to be rated inside a VR-HMD (head-mounted-display)! E.g. mode=1 looks good and super smooth on the screen, but inside a HMD the delayed movement can be unpleasing. Other modes might look jerking on the screen, but good inside the HMD.
    Additionally it depends on the sensor-rate of the browser, how good each mode will look. A good compromise for different devices are the modes 3 and 4.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Enables a special mode for viewing flat-panos in VR.
  • Flat panos defined by <flat> will get automatically upscaled to this horizontal field-of-view when entering the VR mode.
  • The hotspot ath, atv and scale settings will also be automatically upscaled.
  • When set to 0.0, this mode will be disabled.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Use a hotspot as vr-cursor.
  • That cursor hotspot will be displayed automatically above all other hotspots at the center of the screen and act as cursor / pointer. The styling of the hotspot itself can be controlled with the normal hotspot attributes.
  • The stereoscopic 3D depth of the cursor will be automatically adjusted to match the 3D depth of other hotspot when hovering them. This makes it eaiser to focus hotspots with different depths.
  • When the cursor will be over other hotspots, the onover and onout events of that hotspot itself and additionally also the vr_cursor_onover, vr_cursor_onout events will be called. This could be used to implement an automatic clicking when hovering a hotspots for some time.
  • Syntax:
    • name - The name of the hotspot.
    • The hotspot itself should be invisible (visible=false) on startup.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Enable or disable the vr-cursor.
  • When disabled the cursor will not trigger onover / vr_cursor_onover events.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
Action Event
Action Event
  • These events will be called when the vr_cursor will move over and out of others hotspots.
  • The 'scope' of these events will be one of the hovered hotspots. That means these events act like the onover, onout events of the hotspot itself.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Enable or disable the support for vr-controllers.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Define a comma-separated list of hotspots that should be used as as vr-controllers.
  • One or two hotspots can be used - for the left and right hands. When no hotspot for a hand should be used, the value null can be used instead.
  • Example:
    where 'vrcontroller_l' and 'vrcontroller_r' are the names of <hotspot> elements.
  • The so linked hotspots will get automatically updated when the vr-controllers are used:
    • Their tx,ty,tz position will be set to the controller position.
    • The rx,ry,rz rotation set to match the controller rotation.
    • Additional dx,dy,dz attributes that represent the direction-unit-vector where the controller is pointing will be added to the controller-hotspot.
    • The controller hotspot elements can have an optional handrotate="rx|ry|rz|rotationorder" settings for customizing the rotation of the hotspot controller image:
      • The defaults are handrotate="0|180|0|XYZ" for the left hand and
      • handrotate="0|0|0|XYZ" for the right hand.
    • The controller hotspot elements can also have an optional aimingangle="0" settings for customizing the direction of the controller aiming / of the hit-ray.
      • The aimingangle sets the angle of the aiming direction in degrees.
      • The default aiming angle depends on the VR controller model. Newer models typically use 0.0, but some older controllers also use settings like 45 or even 60 degrees.
    • When the controller is pointing to another hotspot:
      • A target attribute with a reference to that hotspot object will be added to the controller-hotspot.
      • The onover, onout events of the target hotspot and also of the controller hotspot will be called.
      • The hovering attribute of the target hotspot and also of the controller hotspot will be set to true.
      • For checking the exact position where the controller is pointing on the that hotspot, the hitx,hity,hitd attributes of that target hotspot can be used.
    • When pressing or releasing a controller button a onvrcontrollerbutton event of the controller hotspot will get called. Additionally the controller hotspot will get:
      • vrbuttonindex - The index of the current button (0-n).
      • vrbuttonstate - The current state of the button "down" or "up".
      variables for getting information about which button is pressed or released.
    • When pressing a controller button AND hovering an other hotspot at the same time AND the pressed button is one of the vr_controller_clickbuttons:
      • then the pressed attribute of the target hotspot and also of the controller hotspot will be set to true,
      • and the ondown, onup, onclick events of the target hotspot will be called.
    • For haptic feedback the hotspots get a pulse(value,duration) function added. This could be called e.g. in the onover event when hovering things.
      • value - The intensity of the pulse (controller vibration).
      • duration - The duration of the pulse in seconds.
  • When the controllers are getting updated the onvrcontrollers event will be called.
  • Information about the vr-controllers itself are also available by the vrcontrollers Array.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value

Plugin State Variables (read only)

Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Is VR support available?
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable or onunavailable events!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Is the VR mode currently enabled?
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Is the WebVR API or the WebXR API available / supported by the browser?
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable event!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Is the WebXR API available / supported by the browser?
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable event!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • When there is no WebVR API support available, but the device itself is a mobile device with working gyroscope sensor support? ⇒ MobileVR support.
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable event!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Is in MobileVR fake mode.
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable event!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Is the browser itself also a VR application?
  • This could be used for showing a special user-interface, e.g. instead of the normal desktop/mobile skin, directly a big 'Enter VR' button.
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable event!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • A Javascript-Array with information about the currently available vr-controllers.
  • Each Array-item contains the following information:
    • id - The id/name of the vr-controller.
    • hand - A String: "left" or "right".
    • axes - A 4-count floating point Array with values in the range -1.0 to +1.0, representing the controls-stick axis (or touch-pad-hit) position (more information).
    • buttons - An array of Gamepad buttons (more information).
    • pressed - A Boolean indicating that one of the trigger buttons (according to vr_controller_clickbuttons) is pressed.
    • rx,ry,rz - Rotation angles in degrees.
    • dx,dy,dz - A direction unit-vector.
    • tx,ty,tz - The position of the vr-controller.
    • hs - A object-reference to the krpano hotspot that is assigned to that vr-controller.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Have positional-tracking?
  • Note - this state is first updated after entering VR mode and on the onhavepostracking event!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • The real physical eye / floor level height (in cm).
  • Only available when using the WebXR API and when the device and browser supports positional-tracking.
  • The value will be 0.0 when not available.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Get the name of the WebVR device or the name of the detected mobile device.
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable event!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • Get the physical diagonal screen size of the device in inch.
  • The value will be 0.0 when the size will be unknown.
  • Note - the correct state will be only available after the onavailable or onunknowndevice events!
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
  • The size in pixels of the current rendering buffer.

Plugin Events

Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onavailableAction Event
  • This event will be called when either WebVR or MobileVR support is available.
  • Could be used to show a 'Enter VR mode' button. This button could call the enterVR() action to enter it.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onunavailableAction Event
  • This event will be called when there is no VR support available.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onunknowndeviceAction Event
  • This event will be called when the mobile device and its screen size can't be detected.
  • In this case it might be possible to show a menu or setup screen and ask the user there about the screen size of his device.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onvrcontrollersAction Event
  • This event will be called when updating the vr-controllers.
  • Information about the vr-controllers itself are available by the vrcontrollers variable.
  • Note - when vr-controllers become available the vr-cursor will get automatically hidden.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onvrcontrollerbuttonAction Event
  • This event will be called when the state of a button on a vr-controller will be changed.
  • The call scope of the event will be the vr-controller hotspot element.
  • These information will be available in that scope / stored at the hotspot:
    • vrbuttonindex - The index of the current button (0-n).
    • vrbuttonstate - The current state of the button "down" or "up".
    • vrcontroller - Information about the current vr-controller.
  • When using a Javascript callback function for the event, the vr-controller hotspot will be passed as argument.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onhavepostrackingAction Event
  • This event will be called once when detecting the availability of positional-tracking.
  • This can happen only after entering VR mode.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onentervrAction Event
  • This event will be called when switching into VR mode.
  • Could be used for setting up a custom VR layout - e.g. like showing an 'Exit VR' button and hiding the UI elements that are unnecessary or interfering with VR mode.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
onexitvrAction Event
  • This event will be called when exiting from VR mode.
Attribute nameTypeDefault value
ondeniedAction Event
  • This event will be called when entering the VR mode failed. The reason for failing could be that the user didn't allow the VR or gyro usage.

Plugin Actions

  • Switch into the VR fullscreen mode.

  • Exit the VR mode.

  • Toggle the current VR mode state - switch either into VR mode or exit from it, depending on the current state.

  • Set the horiztonally looking direction (hlookat).

  • Load or save the MobileVR settings (screensize, profile, gyro-calibration).
  • The settings will be stored only locally in the browsers localStorage.
  • When calling resetSettings() the setting storage will be cleared.
  • The storage works only for the current domain, cross-domain-storage sharing is not possible anymore due browser-restrictions.

iFrame Support

When trying to use MobileVR support inside an 'cross-origin' iframe (that means the outer page and inner iframe page are on different origins/domains) then the gyro-usage (and with that also the VR support) might be blocked by the browser.

To work-around that limitation it is possible to 'capture' the devicemotion event in the outer page and send it via the postMessage API to the inner iframe.
Here example Javascript code for the outer (the iframe-containing) webpage:
var pano_iframe_name = "enter_here_the_id_of_your_iframe_element";
window.addEventListener("devicemotion", function(e){ var iframe = document.getElementById(pano_iframe_name); if (iframe) iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ type:"devicemotion", deviceMotionEvent:{ acceleration:{ x:e.acceleration.x, y:e.acceleration.y, z:e.acceleration.z }, accelerationIncludingGravity:{ x:e.accelerationIncludingGravity.x, y:e.accelerationIncludingGravity.y, z:e.accelerationIncludingGravity.z }, rotationRate:{ alpha:e.rotationRate.alpha, beta:e.rotationRate.beta, gamma:e.rotationRate.gamma }, interval:e.interval, timeStamp:e.timeStamp } }, "*"); });