krpano.set(variable, value)
- Sets a variable to a given value.
- If the variable or the path to it doesn't exist, then the variable and path will be created.
- Works like the set() action.
result = krpano.get(variable)
- Returns the value of a variable.
- Returns null if the variable doesn't exist., caller*)
- Call krpano action code.
- When the actions system is currently not blocked (e.g. due xml-loading or xml-parsing),
then the actions will be directly executed.
- But when blocked, the actions will be 'queued' and automatically executed once
the actions system is unblocked again.
- actionscode = a String with one or more krpano actions.
- caller
- The 'caller' of the action code.
- This is an Object that will be used as local variable scope.
- This allows direct access to the attributes of that Object.
krpano.trace(code, message)
- Trace out messages to the krpano log.
- code = numeric code of the message-type:
- 0 = DEBUG message (these will be only shown with enabled debugmode)
- 1 = INFO message
- 2 = WARNING message
- 3 = ERROR message (when showerrors is enabled, the log will also be opened)
- 4 = FATAL ERROR (a noticeable message in the middle of the screen)
result = krpano.resolveExpression(expression, caller*)
- Resolve a krpano expression and return its result.
- caller
- The 'caller' of the expression.
- This is an Object that will be used as local variable scope.
- This allows direct access to the attributes of that Object.
result = krpano.toBoolean(var)
result = krpano.BOOLEAN(var)
- Convert any variable to a Boolean.
- If the variable is null or undefined, false will be returned.
- If the variable is already a Boolean, it will be returned as it is.
- If the variable is a Number, +0, -0 and NaN will return false, all other values return true.
- If the variable is a String, values like "true", "yes" or "on" (lowercase or uppercase, surrounding whitespace are ignored)
will return true, all others will return false.
- If the variable is an Object, true will be returned.
result = krpano.roundNumber(var, decimalplaces=0)
- Round a Number to given decimal places.
- The return value will be a String.
- decimalplaces
- The number of decimal places, 0 by default.
- Negative values work like positive ones, except that trailing zeros are automatically removed (except for a least one zero after the comma dot).
- Examples:
krpano.roundNumber(1.5) ⇒ "2.0"
krpano.roundNumber(1.23, 6) ⇒ "1.230000"
krpano.roundNumber(1.23, -6) ⇒ "1.23"
krpano.roundNumber(1.0, -6) ⇒ "1.0"
result = krpano.clampNumber(value, min, max)
- Clamp/limit a Number to be between the given min and max values.
- min / max
- The lower and upper limit for the result.
- Returns the limited value.
- Examples:
val = krpano.clampNumber(val, 0.0, 1.0);
val = krpano.clampNumber(val, -1.0, +1.0);
val = krpano.clampNumber(val, -90.0, +90.0);
krpano.registerType(type, callback)
- Register a custom type for
Layers or
- This can be used to create custom elements in krpano, e.g. to load custom file types.
For example, this is used in the ThreeJS plugin to support loading 3D-Models
as hotspots.
- If a layer or hotspot has a custom, non-default type setting and
there is a registerType() call with the same type, then the given callback
function will be called when creating or destroying the element.
- callback(object, url, okaycallback)
- object - the layer or hotspot object
- url - on creating the url if set, or the custom type name in angle-brackets if no url is used.
On destroying null will be passed as url to allow a custom unload/destroy handling.
- okaycallback - a callback to be called with true or false to signal if the creating is done and was successful.
This will also trigger the onloaded event.
- Example:
<hotspot name="spot1" type="special" ... >
krpano.registerType("special", function(hotspot, url, callback)
if (url)
// create or load the special hotspot
// callback with true to signal that the creating was successful
// destroy or unload the special hotspot
result = krpano.parsePath(path)
result = krpano.parsepath(path)
- Resolves the krpano placeholders in the given path string.
- Return value: the resolved path string.
krpano.loadFile(rqurl, donecallback, errorcallback*)
- Request to load a text-file as String.
- donecallback and errorcallback - these functions will be called when the loading was successfully or has failed.
The usage of the errorcallback is optionally.
- Both callback functions will be called with an Object as parameter - and this Object has these attributes:
- rqurl - the request url that was used on the loadFile call.
- url - the parsed and resolved url of the file.
- data - the loaded file content as String.
- errmsg (errorcallback only)
- A boolean flag with the default value true.
- When kept set to true, krpano will show a default loading error message.
- When set to false, no error message will be shown.
krpano.sendRequest(request, callback)
- Send a HTTP server request.
- request need to be an Object with the follow properties:
- type - the request type: GET or POST
- url - the server url.
- data
- The data to send with the request.
- Can be an Object or a String.
- Objects will be automatically converted to a JSON String.
- headers
- Optional headers, can be an Object or a String.
- String-syntax: "key:value, key:'a,b,c', ..."
- cors - when set to true, the CORS credentials will be added.
- user and password - HTTP Basic Authentication.
- The callback function will be called with the given request Object as argument and adds these properties to it:
- ok - true when the request was ok, false when it has failed.
- statuscode - the HTTP status code, e.g. 404 on loading errors.
- statustext - the HTTP status as text description.
- responsetext - the response text.
krpano.mergeCallbacks(tasks, donecallback)
- Merge the callbacks from multiple asynchronous tasks.
- E.g. when multiple files are loaded and/or processed in parallel and
another task should be executed when all previous ones are completed.
- tasks - an Array that contains multiple functions.
- Each function will be called with a callback function as argument.
- This callback function must becalled when the function is completed.
- Optionally, it is possible to pass an argument to this function as return/result value.
- donecallback
- This function will be called when all functions are completed.
- The function gets an Array as argument that contains the all the return/result values from the
called functions (in the same order the functions were defined).
- Example:
[ function(callback){
console.log("1 start");
setTimeout(function(){ // randomly delay
console.log("1 done");
callback(1); // here the function is done
}, Math.random()*5000);
console.log("2 start");
setTimeout(function(){ /// randomly delay
console.log("2 done");
callback(2); // here the function is done
}, Math.random()*5000);
console.log("3 start");
setTimeout(function(){ /// randomly delay
console.log("3 done");
callback(3); // here the function is done
}, Math.random()*5000);
// all functions from above are done
console.log("all done, results:", results); // "[1, 2, 3]"
krpano.customParsePath = function(url)
krpano.customParseTilePath = function(url,cube,level,h,v,stereo,image)
- The customParsePath variable can be set to a custom Javascript
function to do a custom filepath url parsing for multiresoluion tiles.
- The function will get a filepath url that krpano will try to load as argument,
and need to return the parsed and (optionally modified) filepath url.
- After that function the default krpano tile-url parsing will be done.
- Parameters:
- url - the base tile-url template.
- cube - the cube side index, range 0-5, an index into the cubelabels values. Non-cubical panos will use the value 1 here.
- level - the level index, range baseindex to N.
- h, v - horizontal and vertical tile index, range baseindex to N.
- stereo - stereo side, 0 or 1, an index into the stereolabels values.
- image - the related xml <image> element as object.
- Example:
Custom Tile-URLs
result = krpano.screentosphere(x,y)
result = krpano.spheretoscreen(h,v)
- Functions for converting between screen and spherical coordinates.
- Return value: an Object with x and y properties. The values of these properties can be NaN (Not a Number) if the conversion wasn't possible.
result = krpano.spheretospace(h,v,depth)
result = krpano.spacetosphere(x,y,z)
- Functions for converting between spherical and XYZ 3D space coordinates
- Return value:
- spheretospace - an Object with x,y,z properties.
- spacetosphere - an Object with h,v,depth properties., callback, once), callback)
Add or remove Javascript listeners / callback-functions for any krpano
- eventname
- The name of any krpano event, e.g. "onclick" for the onclick event.
- It is possible to assign several events at once to the same callback by separating the names
by | or , characters.
- It is possible to put the once parameter optionally directly into this list instead
of using an additional parameter,
e.g. "onclick,once".
- callback
- The Javascript function to be called on the given event.
- Some events, like mouse or keyboard events, will provide an Event object as parameter.
- Special case: when calling events.removeListener() with the
String * as callback,
then all assigned callbacks will be removed.
- once
- When set to "once", the callback function will be called only once
and then automatically be removed., instantly*)
Dispatches / calls the given event listeners from all
<events> elements.
- eventname
- The name of the krpano event.
- Can be also any custom name, when event listeners for that name are used.
- instantly
- A Boolean setting (true or false, false by default).
- When set to true, the events will be called and executed instantly,
when not set or set to false, the events will be called after the current actions calls.
2 Parameters - krpano variable path:
krpano.addChangeListener(varpath, callback)
krpano.removeChangeListener(varpath, callback)
3 Parameters - direct Object access:
krpano.addChangeListener(object, key, callback)
krpano.removeChangeListener(object, key, callback)
Make a callback when an Object key/property changes.
- This will convert the given Object property to a setter/getter function and call the callback function on each change/set.
- The key/property can be even already a setter/getter and keeps working.
- When the key/property doesn't exists yet, it will be created with the value undefined.
- varpath
- The name / path of any krpano variable, e.g. "view.hlookat".
- object
- key
- The name of the key/property/variable of the Object.
- callback
- The Javascript function to be called on the given event.
- Some events, like mouse or keyboard events, will provide an Event object as parameter.
krpano.addChangeListener("view.hlookat", function(){...});
krpano.addChangeListener(krpano.view, "hlookat", function(){...});