
Taking into account the cost of Adobe products and the numbers of users you might want to give it a second thought.
So far the only insult I am aware of is the attitude of people like you.Very surprised
Jürgen -
NO one answered the emails I sent to support for the same thing
sorry, but you have written only one mail about a refund to me and that yesterday,
and I have answered it today! if that's too slow, I can't help anymore...btw - why posting that in the tools forum?
If you wish to use current documentation, use the officially released version 1.0.7. The documentation should be up to date on it. If you wish to use the added features of version 1.0.8 then this forum has about all the info you need. It also has a search option to scan for things that may have already been asked and answered as well as plenty of people to help out. Like all forums, not everyone gets their answers immediately but they get answers. As for your issue of paying and then finding out about the link to, I downloaded the free version and completely evaluated the product before committing to purchase it. I also read the forum extensively and knew about the branding free option.
krpano is the most fairly priced player out there now if you concider what does come built in. What other flash player has native Object VR support built in? What other player has multirez support? What other player offers the security features like krprotect built in for free? answer = none, you get all that built in for a mere 99 pounds and 40 for the tools. I can pay for the cost of them with 1 360 image. I can pay for branding free with 2 more. the branding free license is completely fair. the only reason you would need it is becuase you are running a business and what to hide the tools you use to create your work. if you are running a business you should hope to be profitable. 300 pounds is a drop in the bucket.
So u see, Run, that you probably wrote your text to quick.. as even VN2009 comes in
... and didn't checked out what you have bought.
But what you have bought is the best, we all love it.. and try to get it, and make it better together..I'm sure Klaus will give your money back when you insist but then you put your self back in quality, options, level of customizing etc etc.. and a great forum... have fun with the other viewers
So ! let's forget your moody tekst and have a drink in "the bar"
We do hope you give Krpano a chance. You will find it very customizable.
After spending the last week researching available panorama players/tools on the net I find myself in the unenviable position of having acted like the town jerk. Not only is krpano the most cost effective solution but it seems it is also the best technical solution as well. I just thought I would ask if we could put this behind us and whether it would be ok if I joined the forums again with a thought to learning the software and maybe contributing in someway myself?
I will leave it up to you all, if you would rather I not be in the forums I'll understand. And to Kraus, I apologize!
Rick -
Coming in on the back end of a conversation that looked to be going a bit south I won't say much other than...
Welcome back and we look forward to helping you as best we can and seeing some great samples from you!
Of course, I can't speak for anyone else... but it sounds like an honest apology.
With that said, I'll contribute a couple of "guidelines" to asking things on the forum...
1. post in the most relevant section
2. be as detailed as possible
3. a link to a tour that is giving you problems helps tremendously (let's people see what you might not be able to describe, plus most of us know how to look at the code driving the tour)
4. be patient, but don't be scared to bump your post after a couple of days
5. ??others can contribute their suggestions as welll
Finally - if you ask "when will you have xx function available?" - the answer will always be "when it's done" - don't take offense at this... it's just the most accurate answer that can be given.
Take care,
So let's fuhgeddaboudit and never do that again
I must say it takes a big person to come here and apologize instead of taking the easy way out and creating a new login and acting like nothing ever happened. Welcome to the forum.
Thank you guys, I appreciate it very much.
Rick -
i agree with Jarreda, welcome back.
Thank you
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