Scandal - Easypano has stolen the krpano Bing Maps Plugin Code!!!

  • Hi all,


    You have our support Klaus - good luck.

    Thank you and all others for your support!


    Consider using secureSWF for obfuscating the most important parts of your plugins. You have the full control on obfuscation with this software and can even obfuscate individual classes and functions.

    Before releasing I already thought about encrypting the swf (btw - I could use the already available krpano encryption system for that, that would be even more safe then any swf obfuscation ;-)) - BUT - see my post from above: The plugins itself are unprotected because I have no big problem when someone is privately looking at the sources to understand how krpano is working or as inspiration for own plugins. - I never thought that someone will really do an almost 1:1 copy of the code!


    We've stopped the download of last update of Tourweaver and removed all the related subjects immediately after I've received the feedbacks and investigated into the issue.

    Good to know!


    Our developers responsible for Bing Map have admitted that they had copied THREE TOOLS (PositionControl, ZoomControl and MaptypeControl) of Bing Map Plugin of Krpano but all others are sole Easypano's.

    That's not true and a bare lie from your developers!

    What about the "Map" and "LatLng" classes?
    The "LatLng" class with its " toLocation" and "fromLocation" functions is a 1:1 copy and the "Map" class is a 99% copy from the krpano "MapsWrapper" class.

    I have written both classes as easy wrapper/interface for the original Google Maps API. These classes allowed reusing existing Google Maps API code without the need of big changes or code redesigns. It handles all the small but important details! By copying that you skipped 90% of the essential work!

    The funny thing is that your developers have also left some unused variables and functions in the copied code - the _new_try, _try_zoomlevel, _empty_tiles variables and the layerLoadStart/layerLoadEnd functions are absolutely function-less in your code without the original 'empty_tile_callback' function *wink* . I think your developers don't understand what I was doing there and just kept these parts to make sure that there is no problem or so *g*.

    Have put some links to code excerpts in the first thread (here again) - just compare line by line:


    Easypano will release another update supporting Bing Map and open its source code for your review in a few days.

    Okay, but I hope this time without any krpano code. I would recommend to delete and FORGET really EVERYTHING that was copied, including the "Map" and "LatLng" classes and start over again! Finding out all the small details about the OpenScales usage needs intensive studding of the OpenScales sources (which are well written and easy to understand btw!). The so resulting code can never look the same!

    Best regards,

  • To further explain in details, I need to quote what one of our developers says:
    "It is the fact that we've quoted some codes for Bing Map in last update of Tourweaver. They are MapTypeControl class, PositionControl class, ZoomControl class, as well as codes related to these three classes, such as functions get_zoom_from_bing_resolution and get_bing_resolution related to ZoomControl class. The fomula Klaus mentions 22 - (4.7438 + 2 * (Math.log(res) * Math.LOG10E) / (Math.log(4) * Math.LOG10E)), and Math.pow(10, (22 - 4.7438 - zoom) * (Math.log(4) * Math.LOG10E) is mainly the approximate relationship between zoom level and resolution in ZoomControl class. I would like to share what we've found about the zoom level and resolution in Bing Map: when the value of resolution is smaller than 1.2, Bing map won't show up. It would be a white screen. According to the definition of resolutions in org.openscales.core.layer.Bing:
    public static const resolutions:Array = new Array(156543.03390625,
    When the value of resolution is 1.2, it is at the level between 17 and 18. What's more, the valid levels are 1-17 even though the returned JSON data "zoomMax":21,"zoomMin":1 from MS Bing Map, so it should be ok to modify the response method (zoomin and zoomout) in org.openscales.core.Map class, no need of such complicated formula."

    "We will remove all the codes quoted from Krpano Bing Map Plugin."

    "In order to use OpenSacles to realize the support of Bing Map and the features supported by Tourweaver, we've digged deep into OpenScales, Bing Map and Google Map, and then we compile our core classes. We would like to share our thoughts here:
    Get to the bottom of the projection relationship of Google Map and Bing Map with reference at…unds-projection and Chinese references: Mercator map projection…2007/36455.html. The programming conversion among Warp and weft cordinate, Mercator cordinate and QUADTREE cordinate, so the lat and lng of Google Map are needed to be converted to the corresponding cordinate in Bing Map. However, in proj4as of OpenScales, ProjProjection class provides the conversions from wgs84 (EPSG:4326) to EPSG:900913 and from EPSG:900913 TO WGS84(epsg:4326)."

    "Refer to OPenScales API documents and sample codes (openscales-as-examples, openscales-fx-examples) so to compile our own Map class."

    "We've written TWCsutomMarker class (inherited from org.openscales.core.feature.CustomMarker) to realize the hotspot and radar on map."

    "We've written Polygon class (inherited from org.openscales.core.feature.PolygonFeature)to realize the customizable polygonal hotspot in the map."

    "OpenScales has provided org.openscales.core.handler.mouse.WheelHandler (used for the mouse rolling control over the zoom in/out of the map) and DragHandler class (used for the left/right and up/down movement of the map). We've found when we roll to the highest leverl with mouse, the Bing Map won't show up but a white screen. When the value of _newResolutio is smaller than 1.2, the Bing map won't show up. _newResolutio is in the zoomIn method of org.openscales.core.Map called by org.openscales.core.handler.mouse.WheelHandler. For the response to DEFAULT_MAX_RESOLUTION, we come to conclusion that the value should be 1.5. "

  • quote
    ... I think I own you a cup of coffee.... Yours Sincerely ... I hope we can create a fair competition world ...

    ... wow ... a cup of coffee looks generous ... and hope is just a dream ....

    ... i think this company had it's chance to be fair ... they didn't use,
    so why speak holy wishes now ? .... do you really believe these people
    will change their way of doing ? they are no kids, they are adults and
    if Klaus wouldn't have found out, they would have partied their success
    and laughed while having some drinks.

    btw. what's the punishment for stealing ideas and software developments
    in chinese companies ?

  • Hi,


    To further explain in details, I need to quote what one of our developers says:
    "It is the fact that we've quoted some codes for Bing Map in last update of Tourweaver. They are MapTypeControl class, PositionControl class, ZoomControl class, as well as codes related to these three classes, such as functions get_zoom_from_bing_resolution and get_bing_resolution related to ZoomControl class.

    Again - that's not correct - the whole "Map" class is also almost an 1:1 copy from the krpano Bing Maps Plugin! The only added thing was the TWCustomMarker class and the Polygon 'addFeature' for your radar.


    The fomula Klaus mentions 22 - (4.7438 + 2 * (Math.log(res) * Math.LOG10E) / (Math.log(4) * Math.LOG10E)), and Math.pow(10, (22 - 4.7438 - zoom) * (Math.log(4) * Math.LOG10E) is mainly the approximate relationship between zoom level and resolution in ZoomControl class.

    It's not an 'approximate' relationship, it's the 'exact' relationship ;-).


    When the value of resolution is 1.2, it is at the level between 17 and 18. What's more, the valid levels are 1-17 even though the returned JSON data "zoomMax":21,"zoomMin":1 from MS Bing Map, so it should be ok to modify the response method (zoomin and zoomout) in org.openscales.core.Map class, no need of such complicated formula."


    We've found when we roll to the highest leverl with mouse, the Bing Map won't show up but a white screen.

    These two statements only show that you luckily wasn't able to copy or understand all of the krpano code *g*. In fact in the krpano Bing Maps Plugin you can zoom beyond level 17 and even more. And also using fractional zoom levels were possible (but disabled for Google Maps compatibility) by using that formula.


    "We will remove all the codes quoted from Krpano Bing Map Plugin."

    Okay, yes, please do that (and remove also the Map and LatLag classes) and develop everything from ground up by your own (without using the krpano sources!) - and all will be okay! I have no problem when someone is basically doing the same but just copying the code and its functionality is definitely not okay!

    Best regards,

  • UN-BE-LIEVABLE *blink*

    I´d say you´re more than lucky that Klaus is such a broad-minded person, Joe Rao! If it would be me, I´d already sue you. Especially for first stealing and hoping to get through with it and after you got caught you still dare to lie and keep trying to use illegaly parts of krpano-code. And you´re so wrong: The business world is no world of sharing. Or in your case, stealing!

    Man, you´re really lucky I´m not Klaus *evil*


  • Given the recent discovery by Klaus, I'm wondering if this is not a bit like the Murdoch scandal with phone hacking. It seems they have been doing this for years, in all of their locations. Would expect some news from the US on this at some point.

    So, If SleazyPano is stealing code from Klaus, what about Joost, Heulmet, Thomas, now Trausti and perhaps even others?

    Seems like this is a company that should be shut down, seems to have been built by stealing code from others.

    Klaus, perhaps you can talk with the others to see if the shoe fits others. Perhaps together you could hire a IP lawyer and remove an apparent bug from the world.

    Good Luck!


  • Why I´m not suprised...
    These Chinesee *unsure*

    I have been working for 3 years in china doing virtual tours. I have to admit that I feel the concept of copyright is quiet exotic in this country, this is a problem, and unfair to western companies. However, please keep in mind there are lots of chinese company and photographers using krpano and reading this forum. I hope that those who bought their own copy of krpano will not feel offended by your comment.

  • I have been working for 3 years in china doing virtual tours. I have to admit that I feel the concept of copyright is quiet exotic in this country, this is a problem, and unfair to western companies. However, please keep in mind there are lots of chinese company and photographers using krpano and reading this forum. I hope that those who bought their own copy of krpano will not feel offended by your comment.

    If somebody is a thief, he should be named as a thief. Of course, there are hundreds of milions good people in China, without a doubt. However it is China, which is famous by copying almost everything in the world from the nails to sofisticated weapon systems.
    Look just for example here: U can find hundreds of copies of well known western products for few bucks. U can even find videos on Youtube of their "copies" of BMW X5, Passat, different Mercedes cars... Everybody knows that and everybody knows that it is a problem. Is it an offence to name it "stealing", if it is really stealing?
    This is not only the offence to the "western companies" - I am sure, that to steal the car is not ok even in China. Your property is your property, whether it is a house, car, photography or a software. Anybody, who steals your car is a thief. The same for your photography and the same for your software or code. Is it a big problem for some of them to understand this simple thing? They are very intelligent. They exactly know, what they are doing. And this is supported or at least tolerated by their government/law.
    Still I am sure, that I can find plenty of gentlemen in China...

    Best regards,
    Igor Socha

  • If somebody is a thief, he should be named as a thief. Of course, there are hundreds of milions good people in China, without a doubt. However it is China, which is famous by copying almost everything in the world from the nails to sofisticated weapon systems.
    Look just for example here: U can find hundreds of copies of well known western products for few bucks. U can even find videos on Youtube of their "copies" of BMW X5, Passat, different Mercedes cars... Everybody knows that and everybody knows that it is a problem. Is it an offence to name it "stealing", if it is really stealing?
    This is not only the offence to the "western companies" - I am sure, that to steal the car is not ok even in China. Your property is your property, whether it is a house, car, photography or a software. Anybody, who steals your car is a thief. The same for your photography and the same for your software or code. Is it a big problem for some of them to understand this simple thing? They are very intelligent. They exactly know, what they are doing. And this is supported or at least tolerated by their government/law.
    Still I am sure, that I can find plenty of gentlemen in China...

    Again ... I know very well what you are talking about.

  • Stop supporting EP products!

    how can i stop supporting EP when they make it very easy to do a virtual tours that even my 5 years old kid can do an attractive virtual tour in five minutes!

    Klaus: so... this is your first post here in forum... don't you think this seems/looks strange? Are you an Easypano employee or why are you posting such?

    kanzonet: no i am not... Mr.Klaus i just noticed about this topic in easypano forum in a topic (which was deleted now) because of emerging issue and i register in krpano forum two days ago when i click in the link to this thread in that deleted topic in easypano forum, i was just registered here to be a memeber and read this topic and other topics in your forum that is all, BUT when i read this replay it Sparked my curiosity to re-replay about my express and my opinion and think! THATS ALL.(i am a beginner photographer).


    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von kanzonet (29. März 2012 um 18:01)

  • you could try Panotour Pro *tongue*

    I have tested actually kolor Products and many of vertual tours software, i even test krpano (they are all very good) but the best for me is easypano. (i hope that does not bother you what is the best for me, since it does not bother me what is the best for you!)

  • I have tested actually kolor Products and many of vertual tours software, i even test krpano (they are all very good) but the best for me is easypano. (i hope that does not bother you what is the best for me, since it does not bother me what is the best for you!)

    Feel free using that product which is best for you and your development skills. But please don't close your eyes to ignore Easypano's steal of plugin code from Klaus. That's really not a trivial offence specially for a 'world's leading' software company like Easypano.

  • quote
    ... I think I own you a cup of coffee.... Yours Sincerely ... I hope we can create a fair competition world ...

    ... wow ... a cup of coffee looks generous ... and hope is just a dream ....


    I'll take this answer as a starting point, since the clear theft of code is one thing, the range of reactions some other and I think this post contains all of it, including an offer to settle this issue in a diplomatic way *wink*

    Klaus has pointed out, that he thinks this is a scandal and demanded that EP should remove all of his code. Bill as a reseller stated, that he will suspend EP sales and Joe from EP did a bit of research which made him apologise and promise to correct that scandal. Klaus and Joe exchanged some details on how much there really is of stolen code (obviously more than Joes developers were willing to tell Joe in the first line), but in principle the issue seems to be on a way to be settled between Klaus and EP in one way or the other.

    Amongst this, there were several proposals from recommending a lawsuit til boycotting EP products, including statements about "all" chineese companies are known to steal intellectual property.

    I have been very critic on my own about EP Tourweaver, the only product which I used for a while. But my critics were always aiming at the by then unproper coding. On the other hand, Tourweaver has always been very innovative and a very useful tool for many panoramic photographers (including me) at a time when few developers at all thought about virtual tours. It was the one and only working Drag&Drop solution for many years. I always felt, that this was an excellent product which in our field of work could serve as an example for all the other chineese companies which constantly come up with inventions and clever adaptions. I think, some people have to change their mind and open their eyes for what China has been, what it is and what it will be.

    Its a shame, that this theft of code happened by EP developers and when I understand Joe right, he feels embarrassed about it as well. I remember Joe as an honest and helpful guy from the EP forum site. So why not take a starting point in that offered cup of coffee? Make it to a few days invitation to EP and China and this would sound more appropriate and - who knows - could be a starting point to a better understanding? Klaus? Willing to make a trip to this great country?

    Just an idea... *smile*


  • Hi Klaus,

    We've updated Tourweaver 7 again with Bing Map supported. You're welcome to download it to check if there is still any copied code from Krpano. Just let me know immdiately if it has. You can also send me email directly. Here is the link

    To all friends in this forum,

    I appreciate your criticism and all other objective/subjective comments, but beleive me it was the problem of our developer and our carelessness in scrutinizing the proram before it was released. I have no knowledge of coding issue, but I never allow such thing happening.

    I don't want to escalate the issue to the fight between countries as I'm a patriotic Chinese. If you come to China, you will have very different opinions about this country as all the people are working very hard for better life. For the reports about China from different western medias, if you beleive them, they're true; if you don't, then they are telling lies. If you want to judge China, please pay this great land a visit before you make a comment. Thank you.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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