To provide several video formats and let the plugin automatically choose the appropriate one,
set the paths to all video files at once and separate them by a pipe | character.
Transparent videos with alpha-channel are possible (Flash and VP6 codec only).
Range of the directional sound, distance of the viewing look direction to the sound position, the sound volume will fall off
withhin this distance from volume to outofrangevolume.
The videoplayer uses the size information from the meta-data that was stored in the video file by default to determine the size/resolution of the video.
But there are some videos and video-converter tools with wrong size information in the meta-data, which cause
a distorted or wrong size. With that setting the that meta-data information can be ignored/skipped.
An advanced setting for special performance optimizations - use with care!
It has only an effect when the video is played as distorted hotspot!
true or false, default=true
The video frame will be only refreshed/updated when flash reports "there is a new frame",
this reduces the cpu load but in situations where the Flashplayer has much work to do,
this can cause frame skipping (e.g. while moving in the pano).
The technically possibilities with HTML5 are not same as with the Flashplayer.
So when using the krpano HTML5 viewer not all features of the videoplayer plugin are supported.
Some HTML5 browsers doesn't support MPEG4 video files.
There different video formats like OGG or WebM need to be used.
To provide several video formats and let the plugin automatically choose the appropriate one,
set the paths to all video files at once and separate them by a pipe | character.
iOS (iPhone / iPad) Notes
There are additional system limitations on iOS devices (iPhone and iPad):
No Autoplay / Autostart!
A video can't start to play automatically!
The user needs to touch / click the video to start loading and playing it.
No Video preview and no size / dimension information at startup.
The video start to load first after a click or touch on the video element, and without loading there are is notthing to show and no information
about the pixel size of the video. And without known size it's not possible to show/place the video on the screen or in the pano.
There three solutions for that problem:
Define the size (width / height) manually in the xml.
The video image itself will be black.
Use an posterurl image.
The size of this image will be also used for the size of the video.
This is the recommended solution!
Without poster image and without manually size the default size of 320x240 pixels will be used.
No volume change!
Changing the volume of a video is not allowed on iOS devices.
Only Fullscreen-Playing Video on the iPhone
On the iPhone the Video will only play in Fullscreen. When starting to play the video will switch to Fullscreen
and when the video will be stopped it will switch back to normal view.
No Multiple Simultaneous Audio or Video Streams
Currently, all iOS devices are limited to playback only one single audio or video stream at one time.
Playing more than one video - side by side, partly overlapping, or completely overlaid - is not currently supported on iOS devices.
iOS Versions
There might be problems with the video-support on older iOS versions like iOS 3.1.*, so if possible always use the latest available iOS version.