Thank you for the new update, it’s much appreciated. The new ‘Face Map’ feature seems quite useful.
Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like it!
Regarding the JSON files, I wonder if they could replace the print output from the Blender console. It’s a bit inconvenient to run Blender using the terminal on macOS just to use the console. If the JSON output could replace the console prints, it would be great for me.
Yes, good idea! The output in the console could also be in a txt file or something. Is noted!
Could you explain how to use the JSON output and when it would be most useful?
I will soon be launching a new application: XAdder!
XAdder is a desktop application for inserting the values output by PCA2.1 into the tour.XML.
So the best way to use the JSON is of course to use the XAdder
XAdder - coming soon - introduction (YouTube)