• It seems that the plugin Autolevels.swf sets default values when no parameters are preset in the xml ... isn't it?...
    This has been confusing me a long time *wacko* ... Unless if the preload is set to true for plugin Autolevels.swf, some times they apply, some no *whistling* ...

    I am not sure I am using the registerattribute() call in registerPlugin(event:DataEvent) correctly. That takes a default setting, but that defaultsetting does not seem to "take" so I set it again. Look at the registerPlugin() function for default values.


    I'm not dead-set on pow(val,3)... pow(val,4) and pow(val,.25) may be more convenient.
    Either way, the ui works more than well enough. Thanks for your work.

  • This plugin is f*****g amazing !!!!!!!!!!!
    Love it !
    Just something that annoys me, when I look to the sky, the plugin effect is ugly ... Is there a way to avoid this effect??
    Thanks a lot !!

  • Hi Aldo,

    I am not sure I am using the registerattribute() call in registerPlugin(event:DataEvent) correctly. That takes a default setting, but that defaultsetting does not seem to "take" so I set it again. Look at the registerPlugin() function for default values.

    I have little knowledge of AS3 so I can not be of much help here *sad* ... Perhaps Zephyr could *rolleyes* , or KLAUS himself *wink* ...

    About the UI you are using on your web page, it has an issue.... After that the pano has finished to load, try clicking over the threshold slider... The pano turns black because the value for the threshold attribute becomes "NaN"... So the code works wrong... The last UI above should work properly...

    Hi Tiflo,

    Quote from Tiflo

    The The This plugin is f*****g amazing !!!!!!!!!!!
    Love it !
    Just something that annoys me, when I look to the sky, the plugin effect is ugly ... Is there a way to avoid this effect?

    Yes, this plugin is f*****g amazing !!!!!!!!!!! *g* ... But it can be difficult to obtain the proper configuration for a given pano:

    The effect can be tuned to affect just the luminosity of the view, or the luminosity as well as the color of the view. Please note that the effect is applied to the (jpeg compressed) 8 bit panorama, so if the effect is too pronounced you will start to see artifacts such as banding and color mismatches. There is a number of parameters that will let you tone down the effect to suite your images.

    You can include the autolevel_ui.xml to help finding the correct values for each attributes... You can download it here ....


  • Hi,


    am not sure I am using the registerattribute() call in registerPlugin(event:DataEvent) correctly. That takes a default setting, but that defaultsetting does not seem to "take" so I set it again. Look at the registerPlugin() function for default values.

    normally the registerattribute() should work...
    do you have an example where not?
    was any attribute really 'null' in any case?

    it checks if there is already an attribute and if not it creates it with the given default value,
    but note - there is no automatic type conversion for numbers, a given number can be also a string,
    but with casting (what you already doing) that should be not a problem...

    but there are some attributes that are already used by krpano - "enabled" and "effect",
    maybe this can cause problems, I'm not sure yet...

    best regards,

  • Hi,

    First, I have no idea about AS3, that could explain if I say something with no sense *wink* ...
    About the default values in AS3 (that could return NaN as value)... I have read somewhere that the default value for a variable typed as Number is NaN ... The default value for a variable typed as int is 0 ... So, perhaps it could be good to retype the variables from Number to int ...???

    I would like to try the above editing the file autolevels.as with flash CS4 but, as I am very new on this, I just do not know how to save the resulting code as an SWF file *sad* *thumbdown* *g* .... Please, someone could explain or point to a tutorial *smile* ?


  • Hi,

    I would like to try the above editing the file autolevels.as with flash CS4 but, as I am very new on this, I just do not know how to save the resulting code as an SWF file *sad* *thumbdown* *g* .... Please, someone could explain or point to a tutorial *smile* ?

    this file must be compiled with mxmlc (not Flash CS*),

    to compile it: (under Windows)

    1. get the free "Flex SDK", e.g. here
    2. extract the Flex SDK zip anywhere
    3. the mxmlc compiler is s located in the "bin" folder,
      add that folder to PATH environment variable,
      or make a shortcut of it for drag and drop usage,
    4. finally you need to call "mxmlc -use-network=false autolevels.as" to build the .swf
      (the -use-network=false settings is necessary to let the swf also work offline)

    here is also a great tutorial for the mxmlc compiler:

    best regards,

  • Great plugin - thanx for sharing this!

    minor bug found - on exit of the plugin it does not reset the applied layer color- and brightness adjustments:

    Using it in a tour (not in a single pano) i put no "keep = true" to the defining plugin. Because i want it to be alive only in those panos of the tour i decide it to be useful. Now when you leave one pano with activated autolevels into another one without this feature the last autoleveladjusment stays and controls this new pano. It means that the new pano with no autolevels activated is much to dark or light, depending on the exit-situation of the pano before.

    best regards!

  • Great plugin - already using it on http://www.gpix.at --> one thing I noticed - if you click on any of our hotspots - the color won't adjust until the final destination is reached - sometimes there are massive misscorrections if you zoom from a dark spot to a lighter one - or vice versa.

    following procedure to move to hotspots:
    - zoom out half
    - pause 0.33
    - zoom in to hotspot

    is there at least a possibility to get autolevels to readjust the color while we do the pause?

    Thank you, bye

  • Interesting... The autolevels plugin relies on krpano sending events.onviewchange events. Apparently these are not being fired during a moveto call. Unless Klaus agrees this is a bug in krpano and fixes it it a next release, I may have to find a workaround.

    edit: I just thought of a workaround; setting any of the autlevels plugin attributes should result in recalculating the histogram. You can set a variable to its current value again, or even set a "dummy" variable (set(plugin[autolevels].dummyvar,0)). If you do this before going into the pause, you should at least get some adjustments going on during the sweep.

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