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XML Extensions


Third Party Software
for krpano

A Button Tooltip For Hotspots Plugin aButtonTooltipForHotspots.xml for Flash and HTML5
by Johannes Löffelmann -


  • This plugin automatically puts the name of the scene to the hotspots as a textfield hotspot.
  • Simple integration in your tour.
  • No coding required.
  • It works on every device and also in VR.
  • You can choose if it is clickable or not and so on.
  • You can customize the style and postiton of the hotspot textfield very easily.
  • The position and style can be controlled with the usual <hotspot> attributes.
  • And also you get the "Scene Name as a layer text" for FREE which is included.

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Download demo plugin

Demo version with full funktions can be downloaded here.

Download Demo plugin for krpano

Installation Guide

In your vtour/plugins folder place the downloaded xml:
	"aButtonTooltipForHotspots_plugin.xml"	--> plugin code
	"aButtonTooltipForHotspots_style.xml"	--> you can edit the plugin paramters here
	"aButtonTooltipForHotspots_license.xml"	--> license, for branding free and full version

In your "tour.xml" add this line of code:
	<include url="plugins/aButtonTooltipForHotspots_plugin.xml" />	

You can edit:

Syntax / XML Usage Example

Edit: aButtonTooltipForHotspots_style.xml

abutton="false" to exclude HS from effect in the tour xml.
hotspot name="spot1" abutton="false" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="0" atv="0" linkedscene="scene_traun_3"  

special_button_text="I am a new text" for the button in the tour xml.
hotspot name="spot2" special_button_text="I am a new button-text" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="00" atv="-10" linkedscene="scene_building" 
you can rotate hotspots with rz="..." or rotate="...": 
hotspot name="spot3" rz="25" rotate="25" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="40" atv="-15" linkedscene="scene_building"  

works also with scale and/or distorted and/or rotate (do not use "rotate" with distorted="true"; rz can only be used wenn distorted="true")
hotspot name="spot4" distorted="false" rotate="90" scale="0.2" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="00" atv="-10" linkedscene="scene_building" 

hotspot text options: 
hs_arrows: 			true = show hotspot arrows, false=REPLACE Hotspots with tooltip-buttons (default is true)
arrow_scale_and_tooltip:	true = onover scale onover effect and tooltip original text effect if tooltips are activated in skin from krpano
button_position:		normal = around hotspot
				below = below Hotspot
				parallel = parallel to hotspot
set_hotspot_edge_center:	set to true if your hotspot arrow edge is set to center. (default is false)
add_distance_px			add a distance from the button to the hotspot arrow in px (default is -15)
enable_buttons_click:		enable or disable if the tooltip-buttons is clickable (default is false)
disable_buttons_on_desktop:	true = no tooltip-buttons on desktop but on mobile and tablet, false = show tooltip-buttons on all devices (default is false)
scale_buttons: 			scale the tooltip-buttons (default is 1.0)
scale_mobile:			mobile scale. (default is 1.5)
scale_tween_buttons: 		onover size of the tooltip-buttons (default is 1.1)
only_hs_with__the_arrow_png:	true = reacts only on the Hotspots with skin/vtourskin_hotspot.png; false = all hotspots (default is true)
exclude_nadir_and_zenith:	true = reacts not on nadir and zenith. (default is true)
button_click_animation:		true = animate button on click, false = no animation (default is false)



Works on distorted= true or false hostspots. Works on edge= center or top. Works also on pictures if you like to. You can change text and also exclude hotspots. You can disable hotspot and only show text. Make button clickable. Select between different text positions. Disable on desktop. Change size and style. and so on.
License: Disclaimer: This plugin is offered as a commercial plugin. It is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including any warranty of quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the author of the plugin be liable for loss of data, costs of procurement of substitute goods or services or any special, consequential or incidental damages, under any cause of action and regardless of whether or not the plugin author have been advised of the possibility of such damage. This limitation will apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy provided herein. In any event the plugin author will have no liability arising out of this agreement.