To connect the editor, place the folder "FloorPlan" in the folder with the tour
and write in the tour.xml file:
<include url="FloorPlan/xml/floorplan_SM.xml" />
Make sure that the tour plugins folder contains the files
combobox.js, radar.js and showtext.xml!
Without activating the plugin, it will be fully functional, but the message
“Demo version” will be displayed.
When purchasing a plugin, you need to send me the email that was specified when registering
your krpano. It can be seen in "krpano Tools". After this, you will receive a link to
download the plugin and key file by email - key_flpl.xml.
You just need to replace the file FloorPlan/xml/key_flpl.xml and the “Demo version” sign
will disappear.
Place the plan images in the FloorPlan/plan. folder
Add plan -
To add a plan, click the "Add plan" button. A default plan image appears with the name
plansm_№, where № is the serial number of the plan.
A drop-down list of names is created at the top of the window. Clicking on the triangle
opens the list, clicking on a name from the list opens the corresponding plan.
Select an image -
Click on the thumbnail with the image of the plan - an explorer window will open. Select
image of the plan from the FloorPlan/plan folder and it will appear in the window with the
Open at startup - Green indicator - the plan window is open when the tour starts, gray indicator - the window is minimized.
Open at startup (mobile)- For mobile devices. Green indicator - the plan window is open when the tour starts, gray indicator - the window is returned.
Click on the plan - [br]Collapse/expand the plan - Green indicator - clicking on the plan collapses/expands the plan.
Start scene - Selecting the scene that will start when the plan is opened. Open the plan, launch the desired scene belonging to this plan. Click the "Start scene"button and the name of the current scene will appear next to it. The next time you open this plan, the selected scene will be launched.
Positioning - Set the plan's anchor point to the screen. Possible values: top left, left, bottom left, top, center, bottom, top right, right, bottom right. Default value: top right
Delete plan - Deletes the current plan.
Editor design - Opens an additional panel for editing the window design. More detailed information here.
In order for the radar on the plan to correctly show the direction of view and when navigating through the tour while maintaining the direction, you must first orient the center of the panoramas to the “north”. You can do this in advance:
• Turn on the editing mode - the "Edit scene point" button turns red,
intersecting red lines appear (for ease of positioning).
• Open a panorama, click on the plan in the place where this panorama is located. A
radar dot will appear. By default, the radar will be directed to the north of the
panorama (which was set in advance). Only one point can be created for each
• Buttons on the plan (only in plan point editing mode)
Size- click and drag left/right to change the size of the point. The
changes will apply to all points on this plan.
Delete - delete a point.
radar- radar correction. Click and drag left/right to adjust the
radar direction.
If the north on the plan is not at the top or the north was corrected when aligning the
panoramas, then turn the radar in the north direction.
• Show text- Pop-up text when you hover the mouse. By default, the text is
taken from the title scene.
You can enter your own name for each point.
You can create icons (hereinafter referred to as dots) and assign them to open panoramas with a given magnification and viewing direction. Place them on plans, drawings, documents, diagrams that you can add to the plans window.
Edit view point - enable/disable point editing.
Clicking on the plan will create a point icon. It will automatically be assigned to the
opening of the current view.
Creates a moving effect. When moving to the next scene, the direction is maintained
view and viewing angle. No prior identical
alignment of all panoramas during stitching.
Click on the "Editor design" button - the design settings panel will
The panel conventionally shows the plan window.
Round buttons on the border to change parameters. Click on it and drag the mouse
If you click on the circle that is located on the corner, it will change the rounding of
the corresponding corner of the plan window.
Circle on side (border) - will change the thickness of the border to the corresponding
You can change the radii of all corners or the width of all borders at the same
Next to the round buttons there are windows - they display a numerical value. You can
enter your parameter values.
Shadov layer - Offset the window shadow.
blur - Blur the shadow.
Changing color and transparency
Below are three windows that open the color palette for changing color and
fill - Color and transparency of the background of the window with the
border - Color and transparency of the border.
shadov - Color and transparency of the shadow.
You can copy or paste RGB color or transparency
Example on youtube
At the bottom of the window, adjust the size and position of the plan window.
Plan name - The name of the current plan to which the changes will be
starting size and position - Show the size and position of the plan at
x y - Starting values "x" "y" in pixels from the positioning point.
You can enter the value manually.
get current x and y - Move the window with the plan to the desired
position with the mouse and click this button - the x y values will be set as the
starting ones.
If you grab the corner of the plan window, you can resize it.
Width - Current width of the plan. You can enter it manually or set it by
stretching the window with the mouse.
Height - Current height of the plan. Can be entered manually or set by
stretching the window with the mouse, provided that "auto height" is not set
auto height - If active (Green indicator), the height will be set
automatically depending on the set width, in proportion to the plan image.
W.mob - Window width on mobile devices.
H.mob - Window height on mobile devices (if "auto height" is not set)
set current W H - set the current size of the plan window for mobile
devices. You can pre-set the size by pulling the window corner.
Keep current size - apply the set sizes as starting ones.
current plans/all plans - apply the set sizes as starting ones to the
current plan (individually)/to all plans.
When updating the plugin, this feature is paid. When purchasing a plugin, it is included in the price.
Navigation works provided that all panoramas are aligned in the same direction (see prealign ) and all points are placed on the plans.
To navigate by arrows, simply click in an empty space in the direction of the arrow.
Click the save button, in the drop-down window specify the path to save the file
If your browser automatically saves to downloads, then manually replace the file in the
folder with it.
Restart your browser - the tour will be updated with the saved changes.
- Open the panel with advanced settings.
Customize the settings to your liking. Clicking the switch on the right will change the
On the top left is a language switch button (en/ru)
Setting panel for individual icons for a point - activates a floating panel for individual editing of a point.
1 - click will open the folder for selecting the icon of the unviewed
2 - click will open the folder for selecting the icon of the viewed panorama.
reset - setting icons to default .
3 - Disable/enable saving the view when switching to a panorama. When disabled,
the panorama will load with a preset view.
When you finish working with the plan, you save all the settings
in this file "setting_FP.xml". Some
You can change the parameters in this file manually.
Below are the styles and layers:
action name="prealignFLPL" - Action for aligning panoramas
textstyle name="showtext_1" - Style of pop-up text when hovering over
style name="arrow_navi_flpl" - Style of navigation arrows.
style name="pointflpl" - Style of points on the plan (with radar).
style name="pointflpl_v" - Style of points on the plan for opening
layer name="cont_fp_all" - The main container of the window with a layout
for plans and buttons.
layer name="plan_cont_fp2" - container for layers with images of
Krpano knowledge required!
The file FloorPlan/xml/style_Flpl.xml contains the styles, layers and
settings of some plugin elements, the showtext.xml and combobox.xml plugins are
You can customize the button design, position in the plan window (expand to full screen,
close, compass, +, -), configure the radar.
You can configure the parameters of the combo box with the list of plans, and move it
outside the plan window.
Set up compass marks and signatures.
Configure auto navigation settings.
Download the archive with the example and plugin. You can connect it to your tour and
test it.
The demo version is fully working and differs from the full version by the presence of
the inscription “DEMO version”.
Find out how to purchase the plugin by following the link
Plugin is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including any warranty of quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will author of plugin be liable for loss of data, costs of procurement of substitute goods or services or any special, consequential or incidental damages, under any cause of action and regardless of whether or not plugin author have been advised of possibility of such damage. This limitation will apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy provided herein. In any event plugin author will have no liability arising out of this agreement.