This plugin enables you to integrate your virtual tour into reality with the help of a guide walking by your side in real-time. The incorporation of a video call into the virtual tour offers the live assistance of a specialist to tourists, real estate purchasers, students, and all other visitors, transforming a remote visit into an informative and memorable experience.
You can purchase this plugin through the link below.
Updates for this plugin are free!
<include url="plugins/conferencing_plugin/conferencing_plugin.xml" /> <plugin name="conferencing_plugin" url="plugins/conferencing_plugin/conferencing_plugin.js" keep="true" devices="html5" include_jquery="true" onInitialized="oninitialized();" align.normal="top""left" sidebar_on_left="false" check_mic_and_cam="true" agora_lobby_mode="false" agora_app_id="" TURN_server="" TURN_username="" TURN_password="" onDisonnect="trace(onDisonnect);" onConnect="trace(onConnect);" password="" contextmenu_caption="Setup Conference" lang_onSyncViewWarning="The host is directing your view." lang_onSyncButton="Stop the View Syncing" lang_error="Error" lang_admin_leave_conference="Host has left the conference" lang_leave="has left" lang_guest_leave_conference="Guest has left conference" lang_low_speed_internet="2G is not supported. Please use a better internet service." lang_User_Scene="User Scene" lang_The_user_is_not_in_this_scene="The user is not in this scene" lang_HANG_UP="HANG UP" lang_HANG_UP_description="You will exit the live guided session and stop communication with the host (and other users if there were any). You will be able to continue navigating the tour" lang_POINT_OF_FOCUS="POINT OF FOCUS" lang_POINT_OF_FOCUS_description="This feature can be used to direct the user towards a particular area of the 360° scene" lang_SYNCHRONISED_VIEW="SYNCHRONISED VIEW" lang_SYNCHRONISED_VIEW_description="This feature can be used to ensure all users are experiencing the same view" lang_MONITOR_VIEW="MONITOR VIEW" lang_MONITOR_VIEW_description="This feature can be used to track where users are currently looking within the 360° scene" lang_SHOW_VIDEO_WINDOW="SHOW VIDEO WINDOW" lang_HIDE_VIDEO_WINDOW="HIDE VIDEO WINDOW" lang_Hide_SHOW_VIDEO_WINDOW="Hide/Show window" lang_UNMUTE_MICROPHONE="UNMUTE MICROPHONE" lang_MUTE_MICROPHONE="MUTE MICROPHONE" lang_PUSH_TO_TALK="PUSH TO TALK" lang_SHARE_THE_CONFERENCE_LINK="SHARE THE CONFERENCE LINK" lang_SHARE_THE_CONFERENCE_LINK_description="To get visitors to join your conference, share the this link with them." lang_Your_Name="Your Name" lang_Please_enter_your_name="Please enter your name" lang_Enter_Your_Name_to_Join_the_Conference="Enter Your Name to Join the Conference" lang_Enter_Your_Name_and_Choose_Participation_Method="Enter Your Name and Choose Participation Method" lang_Help="Help" lang_GROUP_MODE="GROUP MODE" lang_GROUP_MODE_description="All guest mics are on. Everyone can talk and request control over the tour. Perfect for one-on-one sessions or calls with a small group of people." lang_PRESENTER_MODE="PRESENTER MODE" lang_PRESENTER_MODE_description="All guest mics are off and everyone follows you through the tour. This mode is ideal for presentations and classes with a medium group of guests/students." lang_CANCEL="CANCEL" lang_Join="Join" lang_camera_permission_description="You need to allow this website to have access to your microphone and camera." lang_https_description="Please make sure the website 'https' is active." lang_Conference_has_no_active_member="Conference has no active member" lang_expired_conference_link="This conference link is expired.<br/>Please ask the conference host to give you a new link or you can generate your one!" lang_password_description="Please enter the conference password" lang_wrong_password="Oops, wrong password!" lang_reload_if_not_connect="We could not connect to the host, so we reload the page to solve the problem." lang_mouse_annotation_mode="MOUSE POINTER SHARING MODE" lang_mouse_annotation_mode_description="Guest can see the host mouse position." />
Attribute name | Type | Default value | |
TURN_server | String | ||
(only in Standard version)
Sometimes, there are some users whose networks kept them from being able to access other clients. Especially corporate networks and users behind strict firewalls found themselves unable to use our Peer-to-Peer technology. While statistically, that was only about 10-15% of all users (guests and hosts combined) in this situation, you have to use 3rd party TURN servers. (you can install open-source ones on your VPS or buy it from service providers.) but as I said, in most cases, you would not need this option and you can ignore it. |
Attribute name | Type | Default value | |
agora_app_id | string | ||
Attribute name | Type | Default value | |
agora_lobby_mode | boolean | false | |
Attribute name | Type | Default value | |
sidebar_on_left | boolean | false | |
Attribute name | Type | Default value | |
check_mic_and_cam | boolean | true | |
Attribute name | Type | Default value | |
onInitialized | Action Event | ||
Action name |
setup_conference(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].setup_conference(); |
Action name |
stop_conference(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].stop_conference(); |
Action name |
set_video_status(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].set_video_status(true/false); |
Action name |
set_audio_status(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].set_audio_status(true/false); |
Action name |
set_synchronized_view(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].set_synchronized_view(true/false); |
Action name |
set_monitor_view_feature(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].set_monitor_view_feature(true/false); |
Action name |
show_video_sidebar(); |
Action name |
set_target_icon(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].set_target_icon(true/false); |
Action name |
show_share_popup(); |
Action name |
update_conference_link(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].update_conference_link(); trace(conference_link); |
Action name |
update_is_he_presenter(); |
plugin[conferencing_plugin].update_is_he_presenter(); trace(is_he_presenter); |