GTransition - is a plugin for krpano, which add transitional effect in the style of Google/Matterport
Latest information about plugin is always at
<include url="plugins/gtransition/gtransition_settings.xml" /> <include url="plugins/gtransition/gtransition.xml" />
Setting up the plugin is performed by editing the gtransition_settings.xml file. Here is basic settings:
In addition to the settings of the plugin itself, the krpano settings necessary for the proper operation of the plugin are set in this file. These are loadscene_flags and webvr_gyro_keeplookingdirection to enable KEEPVIEW modes. An optimal blending effect (blending) of the panoramas is also set when switching from one to another (the loadscene_blend parameter).
By default, the plugin uses a modified skin_hotspotstyle_click - krpano action, called when you click on hotspots. If another procedure is used to load scenes, then in order to add a transition effect to it, by clicking on the hotspot, you must call gtransition_effect (p1, p2) action with two parameters, where the first (p1) is the ath hotspot value and the second (p2 ) - your scene loading procedure.
For example, if the following code was used in a hotspots onclick:
skin_loadscene(get(caller.linkedscene), get(skin_settings.loadscene_blend));
Then it needs to be changed as follows:
gtransition_effect(get(caller.ath), calc('skin_loadscene(' + caller.linkedscene + ', ' + skin_settings.loadscene_blend + ')' ));
Fully functional demo version and full version of the GTransition plugin can be downloaded here.